I believe every person has the right to . . .
- Be the expert on their own experience (I know what I know).
- Decide what to tell others and what to keep private.
- Be authentically different from others.
- Feel however they feel.
- Be honest about likes and dislikes.
- Grieve when significant losses happen.
- Believe what they choose to believe.
- Worship in their own way.
- Agree or disagree with any point of view.
- Ask for what they need or want.
- Say no to any request at any time without guilt.
- Claim private time and space.
- Be listened to, accepted, and understood.
- Form friendships for mutual support and enjoyment.
- Seek and find their own ways to grow as a person.
- Protect themselves when threatened.
- Set limits on physical closeness and touch.
- Decide how much risk is acceptable.
- Have adequate food, shelter, and medical care.
- Have employment, with a living wage.
- Get what you paid for.
- Make mistakes and be responsible for them.
NON-ASSERTIVE - I have no rights
ASSERTIVE - I respect my rights & yours
AGGRESSIVE - All rights are mine
All Rights Reserved
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Contact author at 773-564-9172