Spiritual Networks


Dream Weavers Creed

  • We start with a Dream of love . . .
           and eventually realize the love that is a Dream worth living.
  • We embrace our lives as our works of divine art.
           We create what we love.
  • We welcome transformation: we recurrently choose to die and be reborn.
  • We feel the meaning of the life force as it moves through our bodies.
  • We fall in love with what is . . . and Dream of what it may be.
  • We are inspired to gather the creative power that is shared by all.
  • We grieve our addictive illusions of control even as we surrender them.
  • We release our passion for what is as yet unlived.
           We bring it to birth.
  • We celebrate fulfillment when the Dream is happening.
           We honor what has been given . . . and what we have done with it.
  • We allow our Dreams to be refined into the Creator’s Dream of Love.
           We join together in the evolutionary work of art, making all well.

July 2010